Ai Weiwei to Publish a Memoir in 2017
JORI FINKEL | 2015-10-17 23:29:00 | 编辑部
Crown Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House, will publish the book in the United States in spring 2017, with simultaneous release in the United Kingdom and Canada by sister companies. Crown would not comment on how much it paid.
The Torchbearers – Participants in the 1989 Democracy Movement Who Are Currently in Prison
Yaqiu Wang | 2015-06-27 22:40:00 | 编辑部
After the crackdown, Liu was identified by the Chinese government as one of the instigators of the “turmoil” and jailed for two years. After being released in 1991, Liu published articles and gave interviews, urging the Chinese government to redress its actions in cracking down the protest and the grievances of the parents whose children were killed.
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