China Aid Association Press Release

    Tel: (267) 205-5210 Fax: (432) 686-8355
    Contact: Bob Fu (267) 205-5210
    Midland, Texas (CAA)-Nov. 1, 2006
    Church building demolished forcefully in Jilin, furniture inside destroyed
    CAA learns that October 26, 2006 a house church building in the campus of “Changchun Agricultural University” in the suburb of Changchun city, Jilin province was demolished forcibly by the local government.
    It is known that the building served as the gathering place for Nongda house church when religious activities were held there. The place was also used as the “Morning Star Supermarket” in other times.
    According to the witnesses, the government sent 500 policemen and several hundred peasant workers to the site at 4 o’clock in the morning. They drove the people out of the building while they were sleeping. Within an hour, the main part of the building as well as the furniture in it became piles of debris. In the entire process, no explanation was given on the issues.
    Nongda house church, which has a history of more than 10 years, serves mainly the brothers and sisters in the nearby countryside. It not only gained reputation in the surrounding areas, its influence reached as far as Heilongjiang and Inmongolia.
    Though being threatened, attacked, and harassed frequently, the church has always stuck by the principle of not being affiliated with 3-Self church, or registering to the government. They hold the orthodoxy Christian belief, and cherish the biblical truth.
    Who can imagine that within an hour’s time, the main part of their church building was bulldozed under the pretext of “urban appearance rearrangement.” Only a two-story building was left.
    Brothers and sisters of Nongda house church ask earnestly that the Lord’s body pray for their church in tribulation.
    CAA appeals that the Changchun government give an account to Nongda house church concerning the event as soon as possible, and arrange a place for the new building, in order not to bring shame on the ancient city of Changchun.
    Contact: Bob Fu
    长春市“农大家庭教会”已有十多年的历史,主要服事附近农村的弟兄姐妹。不仅在当地很有影响力,受到各教会的尊重,而且影响范围远至黑龙江,内蒙等地。他们长期以来坚持不参与三自、不登记的方针,多次受到威胁、冲击、骚扰,但从不妥协。教会弟兄姐妹的信仰纯正,持守圣经. 但是,这样的一个教会,其聚会建筑却在一夜之间,被政府有关部门借“拆迁”之名,夷为平地。