博闻社 北京时间:2007年07月31日22时12分 发布



July 31


具有\"亚洲诺贝尔奖\"美誉的\"雷蒙·麦格塞塞奖\"今日发布新闻稿,公布2007年麦格塞塞奖获奖者名单。网址:  http://www.rmaf.org.ph/ 今年的7名获奖者中,3名获奖者来自中国。来自山东目前身处监狱的 盲人赤脚律师陈光诚获得新兴领袖奖,来自香港的艾滋病社会工作者杜聪获得新兴领袖奖,北京的民间环保人士唐锡阳获得和平暨国际关系奖。 
   Mr. Tang Xiyang, from China, for Peace and International Understanding. He is being honored for \"his guiding China to meet its mounting environmental crisis by heeding the lessons of its global neighbors and the timeless wisdom of nature itself.\"
   Mr. Chen Guangcheng, from China, for Emergent Leadership. He is being honored for \"his irrepressible passion for justice in leading ordinary Chinese citizens to assert their legitimate rights under the law.\"
   Mr. Chung To, from China, for Emergent Leadership. He is being recognized for \"his proactive and compassionate response to AIDS in China and to the needs of its most vulnerable victims.\"