



     Contact: Bob Fu
对华援助协会获悉,2006528日上午11点,河南周口扶沟县西关马家厂一家庭教会被冲击。28位正在聚会的基督徒被公安抓走.当晚释放 23人。61日家住韭园镇谢村的59岁的刘月美姊妹被迫交了1600元罚款后获释。68日,另一位家住江村镇常庄村35岁的常新红承诺回家拿罚款后被释放。
目前还有三人押在河南扶沟县八一监狱。他们是:聚会接待家庭女主人陈学兰,,58;曹淹,,55,住城郊乡万岗村.李顺民, , 52, 住曹里乡小寨村。
    28 House Church Pastors Detained in Henan for Independent Religious Service; Prominent Rights Lawyers Intervene
    China Aid Association, Inc.
    PO Box 8513 Midland, TX 79708
    Tel: (267) 205-5210 Fax: (432) 686-8355
    Contact: Bob Fu
    (267) 205-5210
     Midland, Texas (CAA)-June 8, 2006
    CAA learned that a Chinese House church in Henan was raided and 28 Christians were arrested. At 11 am, May 28, during a Christian worship service at a home at Xiguan Ma Jia Chang, Fugou County, the PSB raided the gathering and took 28 church members to the police station. Twenty-three were released later that evening. One Christian lady, 59-year-old Ms. Liu Yuemei, was released June 1, after her family was forced to pay a fine of 1600 Yuan (US $200). Another lady, 35-year-old Ms. Chang Xinhong, was released June 8, after she promised to pay her fine in cash.
    Three Christians still remain at Ba-Yi Prison, Fugou County, Henan Province. They are 58-year-old Ms. Chen Xuelan, who hosted the gathering, 55-year-old Ms. Cao Yan, and 52-year-old Pastor. Li Shunmin.
    According to those familiar with this case, during the raid, the police produced no ID, summons, or detention papers. Bibles and notebooks belonging to the church members were confiscated by the police and no receipts were issued.
    The Christians decided to make a legal appeal and Dr. Li Baiguang and Dr. Fan Yafeng, two members of Chinese Christian Legal Aid Association agreed to be their legal representatives.
    CAA urges the Chinese government to release these Christians and to honor their international and Constitutional commitment for religious freedom.
    Communicate your concern to the Chinese authority at the following address:
    Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong,
    Embassy of the People’s Republic of China
    2300 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington DC 20008
    TEL: 202-7456743
    Fax: 202- 588-0032 ; 202-7457473
    Director of Religious Affairs: (202) 328-2512
    Issued by CAA on June 8, 2006


